How to skip C++ access modifiers – not real code security

C++ is not a pure object oriented programming language (this topic is just another argument) but it is implementing OOP concepts. On of these concepts is encapsulation: the object hides its contents (attributes or instance variables) by making them private / protected and gives access to them through public methods (like getters and setters).

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How to: Transform a Mathematical Expression from Infix Writing to Postfix Writing in C++

Postfix writing (Reverse Polish Form) was made by Polish mathematician Jan Łukasiewicz. Particularities of this form of writing mathematical expressions are presented in […]. An algorithm for transforming a writing mathematical expressions from infix to postfix writing was developed by Edsger Dijkstra (Dijkstra Shunting Algorithm). Algorithm requires:

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How to: Evaluate a Mathematical Expression in Postfix Writing in C++

Postfix writing […] is a form of representation of mathematical expressions in which arithmetic operatorsare written specified by operands.Advantages of postfix writing over prefix and infix writing: Highlights clear policy of making operations; Brackets for forcing priority for implementing operators are not necessary; Evaluations are easily performed by computer. Algorithm for evaluation of an expression […]

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How to: Implement Operations on Stack and Queue Data Structures in C++

Stack is a logical data structure, its implementation in physical memory being made by using other data structures.The components of the stack data structure have the same data type, which means that the stack is a homogeneous data structure.There are two basic operations with stack: adding and removal of an item.Manner of implementation for operations […]

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How to: Create a DLL – Dynamic Link Library in C++ as Visual Studio 2008 Project

Using DLL ensure productivity and/or financial gain in the software development process by reusing the source code written C++. Routines and/or programming components included in a DLL are referenced in the application without the need of their re-implementation in these applications. To build a DLL in C++ programming language as Visual Studio 2008 project, it […]

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How to: Optimize the Memory Space by Heap Memory Allocation in C++

Memory allocation at the applications run-time enables the use of a storage space, expressed in number of bytes, having the size of heap memory required for data storing defined by the variables. Compile-time allocation allows the reservation and use of storage space with predefined size expressed in number of bytes. In this situation, software developers […]

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How to: Implement Arithmetic of Pointers in C++

In C++ programming language, memory areas can be accessed indirectly through pointer type variable […]. Also, available with a memory address, it ensures movement on memory areas from the memory address stored in the variable pointer. This is ensured by arithmetic operators and it is called arithmetic of pointers. Depending on the nature of arithmetic […]

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How to: Define and Use the Pointers Variables in C++

The pointer type variables allow the accessing of memory areas with numerical content for the management of the values which represent memory addresses. The dimension of a pointer variable depends on the processor architecture.In the C++ programming language, the definition template of a pointer variable is:

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How to: Implement Sparse Matrix Data Structure in C++ Using Array

The sparse matrix represents a special type of two-dimensional array consisting of a large number of elements from out of which a very high proportion is occupied by null elements. Thus, the classical declaration of a two-dimensional array in the C++ programming language leads to unnecessary use of memory by storing null values and of […]

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Implementarea structurii de date Matrice Rara in C++ utilizand lista simplu inlantuita

Structurile de stocare a matricelor rare sunt prezentate la […].Lista simpla este o structura de date liniara, formata din elemente denumite noduri. Un nod este compus din doua categorii de campuri: Campul cu informatia necesara prelucrarii; Campul cu informatia de legatura cu nodul succesor in cadrul structurii de tip lista simpla; se defineste sub forma […]

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Implementarea structurii de date Matrice Rara in C++ utilizand masive de date

Matricea rara reprezinta in tip special de masiv dimensional format dintr-un numar foarte mare de elemente din care o pondere foarte mare o ocupa elementele nule. Astfel, declararea clasica a unui masiv bidimensional in limbajul C++ conduce la utilizarea inutila a memoriei prin stocarea valorilor nule si a capacitatii de procesare. Declararea unei structuri de […]

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Implementarea aritmeticii de pointeri in C++

In limbajul de programare C++, zonele de memorie pot fi accesate indirect prin variabile de tip pointer […]. De asemenea, avand la dispozitie o adresa de memorie, se asigura deplasarea pe zona de memorie pornind de la adresa stocata in variabila pointer. Acest lucru se asigura prin operatori aritmetici si poarta denumirea de aritmetica de […]

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