How to: Define a Namespace in VB.NET

A namespace designates a collection of programming elements, organized and classed for grouping operations and easy access. At the namespace level, the programming elements include: Classes of objects […]; Structures […]; Modules […]; Interfaces […]; Delegates […]; Enumeration […]; Other namespaces. Namespaces can be organized, aggregated into an assembly […]. An assembly can contain multiple […]

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How to: Define and Use a Structure in VB.NET

The structure is a programming entity similar to classes […]. The difference is that structures are value types while classes of objects are reference types.A value type variable is declared and the space according to said data type is allocated at the execution time. Value type variable is destroyed when leaving the block where it […]

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Librarie de functii si proceduri pentru lucru cu matrici (masive bidimensionale) in limbajul C si C++ – Diferite prelucrari

Functiile de prelucrare in matrice sunt acele functii care fac diferite operatii matematice, operatii de interschimbare, numarare, modificare, stergere, inlocuire asupra elementelor unei matrice modificând-o in cele mai multe cazuri. Toate aceste functii sunt diferite intre ele, nu numai prin ceea ce fac ele, ci si prin parametrii care ii primesc sau prin valorile returnate. […]

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How to: Implement Interfaces in VB.NET

Implementing an interface in VB.NET is done by specification Implements. Interfaces can be implemented by classes […] and structures […]. A class or structure can implement one or more interfaces, separated by the operator , in VB.NET. List of interfaces implemented by class/structure is given by their associated names at defining time […]. In below […]

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How to: Define Interfaces in VB.NET

The interface is a set of definitions of properties, methods and events. Unlike classes […], interfaces do not contain the implementation. Interfaces are implemented […] by classes, but are defined as separate entities. A class that implement an interface must implement all elements defined in that interface. Defining a VB.NET interface is achieved using the […]

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How to: Define Events in Classes Built in VB.NET

Declaring events in a class built in VB.NET is done using Event specification. Defining event involves assigning the name and arguments providing.Because an event is included in a class, the objects defined on that class may send messages related to event – raise. Transmission is accomplished by specification RaiseEvent. Assigning the event to procedure for […]

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How to: Define Delegates in VB.NET

The delegate is a pointer that allows the call of a function indirectly through its memory address. The delegate is used to call methods of other objects. It is similar to the function pointer used in other programming languages. The difference is that the delegate is a reference type on System.Delegate class. Delegates are useful […]

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How to: Identify Characteristics of Events in VB.NET

The event is a message sent by an object and announces the application of production a fact.Events are implemented using delegates […].For example, clicking a command button in a graphical interface causes the appearance of the event Click. The event is treated by a procedure. Events are declared in the classes, structures, modules and interfaces […]

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How to: Define a Class in VB.NET

Class is an abstract representation of an entity. The object is a concrete manifestation of a class. The object is the structure that contains data and methods of handling data. An object contains data through fields and properties:

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