Tutorial Java SCJP – #13 Packages and Class access modifiers

Two important concept of Object Oriented Programming is to separate entities based on their functionality or logic and to hide data and behavior within a class (encapsulation). For that you have classes used to define entities that have attributes and a behavior (their methods). At a higher level, for a good organization of the application […]

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Service Pack 1 for Windows 7

Service Pack 1 for Windows 7 (and Windows Server 2008 R2) is now available. The update can be downloaded from here: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=c3202ce6-4056-4059-8a1b-3a9b77cdfdda&displaylang=en. It can be also downloaded via Windows Update.

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How to skip C++ access modifiers – not real code security

C++ is not a pure object oriented programming language (this topic is just another argument) but it is implementing OOP concepts. On of these concepts is encapsulation: the object hides its contents (attributes or instance variables) by making them private / protected and gives access to them through public methods (like getters and setters).

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Tutorial Java SCJP – #12 Immutable, String and Integer

Immutable objects are objects that don’t change their value once they are created. The most known immutable object in Java is String. Besides String, there is another immutable object, and this is Integer (the class and not the primitive) which has an interesting behavior for values between -128 and 127 .

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Tutorial Java SCJP – #10 Variable Scope

Many compiler errors are generated because programmers don’t have a clear image on how long variables are available and when they can access them. The variable scope concept  describes the life of a variable, or its availability area, after it was defined.

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Tutorial Java – #9 Garbage collection and memory leaks

Since the first days of computer programs, one important performance issue was the and still is the amount of used memory. Despite the fact that today the hardware technology provide large amounts of Random Access Memory, software developers must pay attention to how they manage the application memory because they can implement wrong solutions that […]

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Tutorial Java – #8 Understand Stack and Heap

In order to have a deep understanding of the Object Oriented Programming in Java or any other OOP language (like C#) you must know how things are managed internally by the Java process and by the JVM. Of course Java syntax and Java implementations of OOP principles are important but you will have a more […]

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