How to create a simple motion animation in Flash CS3

This  Flash CS3 tutorial shows how to create a Flash animation using Adobe Flash CS3 (for Flash CS4 see the next post, because there are some differences on the application interface).In this example we will create an animation based on Flash motion tweens that will move an object on the screen on a linear trajectory. […]

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Adobe Flash CS3 and CS4 interface, basic commands and concepts

This post analyzes the interface of the two versions of Adobe Flash CS3 and CS4 because the number of similarities is too great to take them separately. Also, the examples and tutorials from this site, use most of the basic features that are found in both versions. The differences will be highlighted and described for […]

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How to read application settings from the Web.config file of an ASP.NET Website

There are many situations, in the development of an ASP.NET application, when particular values must be made visible from different Web Forms or code routines. These values can represent: –    global values or keys associated with an application setting;–    connections strings for databases–    passwords and hash values–    URLs for Web Services The web.config file is […]

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How to: Implement Operations on Stack and Queue Data Structures in C++

Stack is a logical data structure, its implementation in physical memory being made by using other data structures.The components of the stack data structure have the same data type, which means that the stack is a homogeneous data structure.There are two basic operations with stack: adding and removal of an item.Manner of implementation for operations […]

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How to: Create a DLL – Dynamic Link Library in C++ as Visual Studio 2008 Project

Using DLL ensure productivity and/or financial gain in the software development process by reusing the source code written C++. Routines and/or programming components included in a DLL are referenced in the application without the need of their re-implementation in these applications. To build a DLL in C++ programming language as Visual Studio 2008 project, it […]

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