How to: Create a Database in Microsoft Access 2003

A database contains information on data to be stored and managed.

Creating a database Microsoft Access 2003 is made either from a blank database, either from a template of the database provided by Microsoft Access 2003 application.

Creating a blank database in Access 2003 consists of:

  • opening panel of the New File task order selection New… from the File menu; the shortcut for this operation is CTRL+N;
  • panel New File task, the options New, select Blank database… reference hyperlinks;
  • in dialog box File New Database, the Save in option, select location where the file of the database will be saved; file name of the database is inserted in the option File name and save to disk is clicking on the button Create; database file saved on disk has mdb extension.

Operations by adding objects Access 2003, amending and removing them from the file of the database are achieved through the Database Window options.

Database Window in Access 2003

Database Window in Access 2003

Creating a database Access 2003 based on a template is made by an application wizard included in Microsoft Access 2003. The operation consists of:

  • opening panel of the New File task order, selecting New… from the File menu; the shortcut for this operation is CTRL+N;
  • panel New File task, the choice Templates, select hyperlink reference On my computer…;
  • in the Templates dialog box, select the tag Databases giving access to the templates database application included in Microsoft Access 2003; button Templates on Office Online for verifying the existence of other patterns on the website Microsoft;
Templates dialog box

Templates dialog box

  • selecting the type of template you want and save the file database in the dialog File New Database by clicking the OK button; the file location in option Save in and the option name File name are placed;
  • launching the application wizard Database Wizard that allows the setting characteristics of the data through predetermined steps;
Database Wizard Application

Database Wizard Application

  • modifying objects in the database (Tables, Queries, Forms, Reports, Pages, Macros, Modules, Favorites) from the Database Window.

Access to data stored in tables and their options are predefined in the Main Switchboard window.

Main Switchboard Window

Main Switchboard Window