How to: Transform a Mathematical Expression from Infix Writing to Postfix Writing in C++

Postfix writing (Reverse Polish Form) was made by Polish mathematician Jan Łukasiewicz. Particularities of this form of writing mathematical expressions are presented in […]. An algorithm for transforming a writing mathematical expressions from infix to postfix writing was developed by Edsger Dijkstra (Dijkstra Shunting Algorithm). Algorithm requires:

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How to: Create a DLL – Dynamic Link Library in C++ as Visual Studio 2008 Project

Using DLL ensure productivity and/or financial gain in the software development process by reusing the source code written C++. Routines and/or programming components included in a DLL are referenced in the application without the need of their re-implementation in these applications. To build a DLL in C++ programming language as Visual Studio 2008 project, it […]

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