How to skip C++ access modifiers – not real code security

C++ is not a pure object oriented programming language (this topic is just another argument) but it is implementing OOP concepts. On of these concepts is encapsulation: the object hides its contents (attributes or instance variables) by making them private / protected and gives access to them through public methods (like getters and setters).

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How to: Define a Namespace in VB.NET

A namespace designates a collection of programming elements, organized and classed for grouping operations and easy access. At the namespace level, the programming elements include: Classes of objects […]; Structures […]; Modules […]; Interfaces […]; Delegates […]; Enumeration […]; Other namespaces. Namespaces can be organized, aggregated into an assembly […]. An assembly can contain multiple […]

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How to: Define and Use a Structure in VB.NET

The structure is a programming entity similar to classes […]. The difference is that structures are value types while classes of objects are reference types.A value type variable is declared and the space according to said data type is allocated at the execution time. Value type variable is destroyed when leaving the block where it […]

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