Tutorial Java 6 – #5 Flow control statements

In this post we can see how to implement in Java, the basic flow control structures / statements:

  • decision-making structures: if – then, if – then – else, switch;
  • structures for loop blocks: do-while, while – do, enhanced – for;
  • loop control instructions: break, continue;

Using control structures we can write programs for which the execution is not just a linear sequence of instructions.

Other topics that are part of this Java tutorial are accessible through Java 6 Tutorial – Contents.

How to use in Java if – then control statement

The conditional flow control structure, if – then, has these forms:

     1:  if (condition) 
   2:      < statement 1 >


   1:  if (condition) {
   2:      < statement 1 >
   3:      < statement 2 >
   4:  }

in which (WARNING !) condition is a boolean expression or variable that has the value true or false .For example 30> 10 or 10 == 30.

In Java are not accepted conditions based on expressions or variables that have numeric values. For example, the following expression is valid in C / C + + but not in Java:

        int valoare = 10;
            System.out.println("Other than 0 value !");

generates a compilation error: incompatible types.

To illustrate the if-then clause, we determine whether a number is negative, and if it is then change its sign:

    int negativeNumber = -22;
    boolean isNumber = true;

        System.out.println("It's a number";);

    if(negativeNumber < 0)
        System.out.println("It's a negative one! Change it.");
        negativeNumber = (-1) *negativeNumber;

How to use in Java if – then – else control statement

The if – then – else control clause has this form:

   1:  if (condition){
   2:      < statement 1 >
   3:      < statement 2 >
   4:  }
   5:  else{
   6:      < statement 3 >
   7:      < statement 4 >
   8:  }

If we want to determine the minimum of two numbers:

        int vb1 = 10;
        int vb2 = 20;
        int min;
        if(vb1 < vb2)
            min = vb1;
            min = vb2;

The same solution can be implemented through the conditional operator?::

condition ? then_statement : else_statement

And the previous example becomes:

        min = vb1 < vb2 ? vb1 : vb2;

How to use in Java do – while loops

The repetitive structures do - while implements a post-conditioning loop, as the condition for exiting/staying in the loop is checked at the end of the loop block. The structure will run at least once the iteration statements from the loop block:

   1:  do
   2:  {
   3:      < statement 1 >
   4:      < statement 2 >
   5:  } while (conditie);


For example, if we want to compute N! (Provided that N> 1) in a do - while:

        //n factorial using do - while with this condition n > 0
        int nFactorial = 1;
        int i = 0;
	int n = 5;
            nFactorial = nFactorial *i;
        }while(i < n);
        //print the value
        System.out.println(n+"! = "+nFactorial);

How to use in Java while – do loop

The repetitive structure while - do implements a pre-conditioning cycle, as the condition for exiting from/staying in the loop is checked before the first statement in the loop block is executed:

   1:  while (condition)
   2:  {
   3:      < statement 1 >
   4:      < statement 2 >
   5:  } 

Acelasi exemplu, N!, dar prin while – do:

         //n factorial with while - do
        int nFactorial = 1;
        int i = 0;
	int n = 5;
        while (i < 5)
            nFactorial = nFactorial *i;
        //afisam valoarea
        System.out.println(n+"! = "+nFactorial);

How to use in Java the for loop

The for repetitive structure implements a pre-conditioned loop structure, like do-while . The for  structure is more efficient, simply because the iteration and the initialization statements are included in the structure and not in the block:

   1:  for(initialization; condition; iteration)
   2:  {
   3:      < statement 1 >
   4:      < statement 2 >
   5:  }


For example, to determine the sum of an array elements:

        int[] vector = {1,2,3,4,5};
        int sum = 0;
        for(int j = 0; j < vector.length; j++)
            sum += vector[j];
        System.out.println("The sum is "+sum);


Inside the for control structure can be written multiple iteration and initialization statements separated by , (comma):

   1:  for(initialization1, initialization2; condition; iteration1, iteration2)
   2:  {
   3:      < statement 1 >
   4:      < statement 2 >
   5:  }

The for statement elements: initialization, iteration and condition, are optional. The next examples are legal, but in some you must decide when the for loop will end using break.

for( intialization; ; )
for( ; condition; iteration )
for( ; ; iteration)
for( ; ; ) // endless loop

For the SCJP exam, keep in mind that variables declared in the initialization area, are local variables for the for block and are not visible outside:

for ( int i=0; i<10 ; i++ ) {
// do something
// compile-error, cannot resolve symbol: i
System.out.println("value of i: " + i );

How to use in Java the enhanced - for loop

The repetitive enhanced - for structure implements a pre-conditioned loop. This structure was introduced in Java 5.0 to allow an easier syntax and a faster implementation (like foreach from. NET). This structure can only be used to iterate through a collection that implements the java.lang.Iterable interface.

   1:  for ( variable: iterable_collection )
   2:  {
   3:          < statement 1 >
   4:          < statement 2 >
   5:  }

Rewriting the previous example with an enhanced – for:

        sum = 0;
        for(int value: vector)
            suma += value;
        System.out.println("The sum is "+sum);

How to use in Java the  switch statement

The switch conditional structure implements a conditional structure with multiple branches. It replacea a more efficient structure than multiple if-then-else clauses.

   1:  switch (variable) {
   2:  case constant_value1:
   3:      < statement   1 >
   4:      break;
   5:  case constant_value2:
   6:      < statement   2 >
   7:      break;
   9:  default:
  10:       < statement >
  11:  }

It is important that each case clause is closed with the break instruction because it provides the exit from the switch structure.

For example testing a variable value can be made more easier through a switch statement than through multiple if statements.

        int testValue = 2;
            case 1:
                System.out.println("The value is 1");
             case 2:
                System.out.println("The value is 2");
             case 3:
                System.out.println("The value is 3");
              case 4:
                System.out.println("The value is 4");
                System.out.println("The value is outside the limits");

By running the above example we obtain this message: Value is equal to 2.

If we don’t use break instructions then the previous example is going to display:

The value is  2
The value is  3
The value is  4
The value is outside the limits

How to use in Java break and continue statements

The break statement stops the current loop block implemented by for, do-while, while-do. Also, if it is used in a switch structure, it will close the last case clause.

The continue instruction will suspend the current iteration of a loop block, for, do-while, while-do  and will execute the next iteration.

For example, let’s determine the sum of all positive elements of a given array:

         int[] intValues = {10,12,5,-4,3,-1,23};
         int positiveSum = 0;
         for(int j = 0; j < intValues.length; j++)
             if(intValues[j] < 0)   //if it is a negative value
                 continue;          //go to the next iteration
             //for any other values we do the sum
         System.out.println("The sum of positive elements is "+positiveSum);

or, let’s determine the first occurrence of a negative value:

         int[] intValues = {10,12,5,-4,3,-1,23};
         int negativeValue = 0;
         for(int j = 0; j < intValues.length; j++)
             if(intValues[j] < 0)
                 //if it is a negative value
                 //save the value
                 negativeValue = intValues[j];
                 //stop the loop
         System.out.println("The first negative value is  "+negativeValue);

Other topics that are part of this Java tutorial are accessible through Java 6 Tutorial - Contents.